The Audio Branding Process

Your business is putting out a lot more sound than you realize. It’s not just about commercials.
What about your phone automation?
What about your podcast?
Do you produce a product that makes (or can make) a distinctive sound?
You need to own all of it.

You do this by assessing your sonic footprint, creating a sound style guide, and designing custom sonic assets. It’s about taking all those sounds and making them work together, and making them consistent. The goal is to produce audio media that is so closely tied to your brand that the public can identify you blindfolded.

Audio Audit

It all starts with a look at the brand from the outside. Every brand has sound and sound space. The first step is to identify all media, environments, and touchpoints where sound can be designed and applied. 

Brand Audit

Now it’s time for a closer look. This is the tough part. This is where we boil the brand down to its essence and identify its values, goals, function, personality, history, future, emotions. How does it make people feel? How does it make the world a better place? In many cases I like to bring out the Adjective Board. This often helps facilitate a deeper look into the brand.

Audio Branding Guidelines

Once we know both the physical and intangible qualities of the brand, they’re ready to be sonified. The Audio Branding Guidelines are a comprehensive document that outline how the intangible qualities of the brand translate into music, voice, and sound, and how they’re applied to media, environments, and touchpoints. 


With the Audio Branding Guidelines in place, we start creating. This usually starts with the creation of a brand anthem. This is a signature musical composition that culminates to a main theme in the form of an audio logo or jingle. The anthem can later be broken down into smaller audio elements such as user experience sounds, musical variations, and the isolation of the main theme. The production stage may also include the selection of a brand voice, and the treatment of physical spaces.


Audio elements are applied to all appropriate media, touchpoints, and environments. 

Streaming Ads
Radio Ads
TV Ads

Phone Menu/Automation
Ring/Text Tones
Trade Shows
Background Music
Public Address

Physical Products
Voice-Activated Devices
UX/UI Sounds
Background Sounds