
Geo-Audio Brand: Harnessing the Power of Culture Sound

Let’s put business aside for a bit and look at geography. I’ve spoken before about the famous wine study in the UK. In short, a wine shop played German music on certain days, and French music on others. On days when they played German music, they sold three times more German wine. On days when…

Brands Not Bands: The Dangers of Using Pop Songs in Ads

Every so often you see/hear an ad using a popular song in their advertising. This has been going on for many, many years now. The impetus for this came mostly from the music industry looking for find new ways to profit from recorded music, and this makes sense. They have a lot more to gain…

The Cost of Noise in Your Workplace

Whether it’s an office, restaurant, store, or any place of business with more than a handful of people in the same space, an often overlooked component of audio branding is the aural environment. Most of us aren’t even aware of it. In fact, many of us make conscious and unconscious efforts to drown it out….

Your Video Isn’t Done Yet

There’s no shortage of video content out there these days, and most of it looks great. The visual standards are very high, and there are many very capable professionals producing great work. So where do you get an edge over the competition? With countless thousands (sometimes millions) spent on video, it’s amazing how many of…

The Power of Zero – Staying Strong During COVID-19

What I have to say will not apply to everyone. We all have different aptitudes, we all respond to a crisis differently (more on that in a moment), and we’re all in different stages of business. Some of us are sole proprietors, and some are responsible for many. But I’m confident that this will be…

Starting a Podcast During COVID-19

Lots of folks are turning to podcasting these days, and when I say ‘these days’ I’m referring to quarantine. Some are doing it because they’ve wanted to for a while and didn’t have the time until now. Others because they have nothing else to do. Whether you’re the latter or the former, go for it….

9 Tips for Putting Podcast Guests at Ease

When podcasting, you should have two goals in mind: -You want the listener to feel like they’re part of the discussion -You want the guest to forget you’re recording. And I believe these goals are not mutually exclusive. I think they both occur when the guests and hosts have found their rhythm, anxiety has been…

Podcasting: On Location vs In Studio

One of the reasons studio people are so fond of the studio is you’re able to control the environment. Gear never gets dirty, things are never lost, and weather is almost never a problem. In fact, we’re so spoiled it rarely occurs to us to go outside professionally. Having said that, in recent months I’ve…

Pardon Me? – Esoteric Language in Business

We’re gonna take a little break from Audio Branding and get into another subject in the business world that I think needs to be addressed; esoteric language. esoteric [es-uh-ter-ik]adjective1 understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest2 belonging to the select few3 private; secret; confidential Funny thing about…

Recognizing Success in Entrepreneurship

Working for yourself is very different from working for someone else. One of the big differences is how you recognize and measure success. In a “normal” job, people get promotions, raises, pats on the back from a boss. When you’re your own boss, these things don’t happen. Or do they? If you’re looking for conventional…